Strong Tower

He's faithful through the storm.
"But you are a tower of refuge to the poor, O Lord, a tower of refuge to the needy in distress. You are a refuge from the storm and a shelter from the heat. For the oppressive acts of ruthless people are like a storm beating against a wall" -Isaiah 25:4

"He is my loving ally and my fortress, my tower of safety, my rescuer. He is my shield, and I take refuge in him. He makes the nations submit to me." -Psalm 144:2

"The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous man runs into it, and is safe."-Proverbs 18:10

"For You have been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy." -Psalm 61:3

Sunday, December 26, 2010

One Solitary Life

Here is a man who was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman. He grew up in another village. He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty. Then for three years He was an itinerant preacher.

He never owned a home. He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He never had a family. He never went to college. He never put His foot inside a big city. He never traveled two hundred miles from the place He was born. He never did one of the things that usually accompany greatness. He had no credentials but Himself...

While still a young man, the tide of popular opinion turned against him. His friends ran away. One of them denied Him. He was turned over to His enemies. He went through the mockery of a trial. He was nailed upon a cross between two thieves. While He was dying His executioners gambled for the only piece of property He had on earth – His coat. When He was dead, He was laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend.

Nineteen long centuries have come and gone, and today He is a centerpiece of the human race and leader of the column of progress.

I am far within the mark when I say that all the armies that ever marched, all the navies that were ever built; all the parliaments that ever sat and all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of man upon this earth as powerfully as has that one solitary life.

- dr.james allan francis

Sunday, December 19, 2010

What Child Is This?

merry christmas guys! hope your break is awesome and that life is phenomenal!

on that note, i had one little thought that always comes about during this time of year: why do we celebrate christmas? there will be billions of dollars spent on festivities, presents, lights, etc. there will be billions of people out of school, off work, completely stress free for an extended period of time. we drop everything and celebrate, but why, exactly? what will we celebrate on the 25th of december? think about it for one minute. it's really bizarre. we are going to do all this because one little baby boy was born to a sixteen year old peasant girl and her dirt poor husband 2,000 years ago!

we like to try and make the nativity scene look like it was sweet and warm, with angelic light filling the room. that's just not true. there were no halos flying around everyone's head, and no one was feeling particularly well. marry and joseph had just traveled a ridiculously painful journey, and had just had a child. not only that, but they had him in an run down, decrepit stable! this thing was literally a dung heap for farm animals. the floor was covered in feces, the wood rotting. they were so exhausted and desperate, they wrapped their newborn in dirty, used rags and placed him in a lamb's feeding trough, filled with cud, spit, and parasites. can you imagine the humiliation, the poverty, the desperation? if that was all there was to this story, it shouldn't be celebrated, it should be lamented that this travesty ever happened to anyone in all of history!

of course, that's not the whole story, is it?

"the people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned... for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." -isaiah 9:2, 6-7

cause that baby wasn't just anyone. that was the God of the universe they placed in that manger so long ago.

so who is this baby, this man, this God? according to Isaiah, there are three ways to describe Him.

Isaiah call Jesus the Wonderful Counselor, which, when translated in context, means something along the lines of Wonderful Strategist, Thinker, and Philosopher.

einstein was pretty smart, right? a genius, in fact. when interviewed concerning Jesus, this is what this genius had to say:

"as a child i received instruction both in the Bible and the talmud. i am a jew, but i am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene... no one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality resonates in every word. no myth is filled with such life."

how can this genius say that about this worthless preacher from nazareth? because, ultimately, He was God. He planned this horrible birth, life of sacrifice, death of suffering, and wondrous resurrection.

i just can't get over the fact that the being who was able to make all of creation, every galaxy in the universe, every creature here on earth, every human soul, who was the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing, I AM of existence, became a little baby boy born to two peasants in ancient israel. to go from knowing all things to willingly limiting yourself to the point where you don't even know how to talk, or even go to the restroom? to go from being all-powerful and infinite to being in a fragile baby's body? to go from rightfully controlling all things to being born to two slave-race peasants? can we even imagine that sort of sacrafice? He went through puberty having His parents tell Him what to do, when He had made them and knew so often just how wrong they were. He went to Bible school and had teachers tell Him He didn't know a thing about the words of life He inspired. He preached and those who claimed to love Him the most, to be the most religious, rejected Him and were jealous of Him. He allowed Himself to be beaten, abused, put through a fake trial, flogged, tortured, and then crucified. then, He made it known who he was just so that the same people who had put Him through this could know His love. i find that kind of sacrifice utterly incomprehensible.

so, why? why be so drastic? to save the souls of mankind and conquer history itself.

the second way that isaiah names this Jesus is the Everlasting Father and the Mighty God. when translated, it means the "God Warrior" and "the Champion of history"

these sound like military phrases. what exactly did this warrior conquer?

first and foremost, He conquered our sin. He freed mankind from its sinful nature. we are redeemed! the love He showed us conquered our very nature, and made us who we are meant to be! and because of that freeing love He has conquered the hearts of men and history itself.

napoleon was a great conqueror. he knew how to touch the hearts of men, so much so that they would die for him in battle, and was so great that he once conquered almost all of europe and twice conquered the city of paris. this is what he had to say about this Champion of history:

"i know men and i tell you, Jesus is no mere man. the distance between Him and all others is an eternity. myself, caesar and charlamagne all built great empires, but upon what were they founded? force. Jesus built His kingdom on love, and today, millions would die for Him. history knows no conqueror like Christ."

"Jesus of Nazareth, without money and arms, conquered more millions than alexander the great, mohammed, and napoleon; without science and learning, He shed more light on things human and divine than all philosophers and scholars combined; without the eloquence of school, He spoke such words of life as were never spoken before or since, and produced effects which lie beyond the reach of orator or poet; without writing a single line, He set more pens in motion, and furnished themes for more sermons, orations, discussions, learned volumes, works of art, and songs of praise than the whole army of great men of ancient and modern times."
-phillip schaff

He was called the Champion of history. do you know anyone else who can say that His birth is used as the focal point of humanity's existence? no one else can claim b.c., a.d.

this is what a few historians had to say about this Champion:

"i am a historian, i am not a believer, but i must confess as a historian that this penniless preacher from nazareth is irrevocably the center of human history. Jesus Christ is easily the most dominant figure in all history."
- h.g. wells

"as the centuries pass, the evidence is accumulating that, measured by His effect on history, Jesus is the most influential life on the planet."

-kenneth scott latourette

there is no other life on this planet that has so changed the plane of existence like Christ. but where are the effects of this change?

the last title isaiah gives Jesus is the "Prince of Peace". so what kind of peace did this Prince bring us?

about 80 years ago humanity experienced chaos unlike anything it had ever seen before, world war I. during this war, troops on both sides implemented a battle strategy called "trench warfare". both sides were about a half-mile apart. these men had been shooting, injuring, killing each other for over a year. on christmas eve, one german man began to sing the song "noel, noel, born is the king of israel!" in his native tongue. his fellow germans began to sing with him. the french and british troops on the other side of the battle lines heard the germans song, and, recognizing the hymn, began to sing along in their own languages. the germans held up a white cross of peace, and the british and french troops held up one of their own. the troops from both sides excited their trenches and met halfway between their battle lines. they exchanged gifts, sang hymns, and played soccer in the snow. the ceasefire lasted till after christmas day.

a french movie was made about the event named "Peace, Noel" by a director who was a very verbal agnostic who had often made it known that he was extremely anti-religious. when asked why he would make a movie with such blatantly christian themes, he had this to say:

"2000 years ago, a babe was born to a peasant couple in a very small village and the memory of His birth was able to suspend wwI."

is there anyone in all of history who can claim that? is there any other who has walked the face of this earth who can say that a song about their birth was so well known and carried so much power, that men from 3 different countries, all speaking three different languages, who had been killing each other for over a year would stop at the sound of it? is there anyone in history who can say that the means of torture and death they were put through could be used as a symbol of ceasefire? He is the one and only Prince of Peace, unlike any other.

that same God who is limitless, limited Himself, conquered sin, freed mankind, dominated history, and brought the power of supernatural peace wants to show you His glory, freed you from sin, and brought His peace that surpasses understanding.

to sum it all up, my prayer for this christmas is that we celebrate it experiencing Him and honoring His greatness.

have an incredible christmas and a happy new year! God bless!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Infinite Worth

hey guys! hope life's going great! If you're anything like me, life's rough, but God is so good! If not, i might have something for ya.

do you know that you are loved? i mean, really loved?

when i use that word, i'm not referring to some kind of physical drive. i'm not talking about whether people care about you or not, and i don't mean to say that your family wants what's best for you. all that's good and well, but most relationships with people only go so far as "like". you "like" somebody when your attracted to something they have. a lot of family's care about each other because they're just use to each other, or because the natural physical genetics of human beings tells them to act in such a way to those with blood ties. most people are friends because they have something in common, or they like each others' personalities, or they like something the other has. people only care about others because they can get something out of them. people want something out of those around them. people like being around you because they get something out of it. they like to be around you because you make them feel better in some way. you make them feel like they are better because they have power over you, or because they feel they need something you have, and therefore they feel like you have power over them. they don't care about you because you're who you are. they care about you because of what you are.

but God is more than human, and He cares about you more than any other person can.

"how precious is your unfailing love, O God! all humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings. " -pslam 36:7

"but God is so rich in mercy, and He loved us so much," -ephesians 2:4

"and may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is." -ephesians 3:18

"but anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love" -1 john 4:8

over and over again in His word, God says that He is love. the aura of God is love. it is the essence of God, the point of the universe, the meaning of life. God loves. He doesn't just like you. He doesn't want something from you, He wants everything for you. everyone else you will know will like you, will care for you, because of something you give them. He cares about you for what He can give you. He loved you so much that God, the infinite, unmade, master of time and space, the essence of reality, limited himself to the body and mind of a man, lived for 30 years in this mess we call life, and then allowed Himself to be killed on a cross, suffocate to death, and then resurrect Himself to give us the chance to know and love Him.

so... tonight, i got asked the classic question everyone always asks me when i say that God loves them:

"if God loves us so much, why do bad things happen? where's the meaning in all this tragedy?"

i told him as best i could the answer i had, but i didn't have time to address the question thoroughly. so, for all those who are struggling, or are angry at God, or simply want to know why bad things happen, there are a couple of answers, but the one that, to me, speaks the most in my life is this one:

God is a person. God is not a genie, or a santa clause in the sky who gives everyone whatever they want if they behave. He's not some abstract force of good that pushes everything in one direction. He loves you. His very being is bound up in love. the absence of love must have a loveless result, and love must accomplish two things:

1) God is not the source of evil in our world, sin is.

2) love must do what's best for the one who is loved, not what's easiest.

3) love must be chosen or denied

think about what this implies about God.

in our lives, we face struggles, problems, issues, pain, etc. but do these problems come from God? is God the reason there are starving people in africa, or are we? after all, america has the potential farming power to produce enough food to feed all of its citizens and all of africa. however, we'd have to sacrifice our economic supremacy. so, instead of feeding our brothers in africa, we, as parts of the human race who want to live materially better lives, sacrifice the potential to help others for our own security. can you blame God when He's given us the potential to help our brothers, but we don't take responsibility and help them? again, why do people die early? car wrecks happen when people don't do what they're supposed to, or drive under the influence. people kill others through negligence or through hate. people die of diseases often because they don't take care of themselves or others don't take care of them. if we spent as little money as possible on ourselves and put the rest into finding cures for diseases and medical care, and worked as best we could to protect and care for those who can't help themselves, do you honestly think there would be any kind of suffering like there is in the world? before pointing the finger at God, look yourself in the mirror and ask if you have done everything possible (and i mean, literally, everything) for others that you could to help others and protect them from harm or suffering. have you ever hurt someone's feelings? why do you make them suffer? if God has given you the ability to save someone from harm, why haven't you? evil isn't a result of God's negligence, or His will, it's a result of humanity's actions without Him. when we separate ourselves from His love, our priorities become skewed and we fail to care for each other; we become selfish and, in the end, hurt one another and make each other suffer. no one has given up all they have for others, but God gave up His position as God, His power, His life, for humanity to know His love and, in the end, be saved from their suffering.

secondly, true love cares enough to do what's right, not what's easy. toddlers don't like it when they teethe, but parents don't take out their kids teeth before they come in in order to stop the pain (it be kinda gross if they did). they allow their kids to go through the pain, and, when their child cries to them, they give them a chew toy so they can ease as much pain as possible. when you get to a certain age, if your parents don't allow you to choose what you want to do for yourself, we say they're "control freaks" and sheltering you. suffering in itself isn't evil, even if it may come from an evil source. physical "growing pains" aren't evil, they're natural, hard, and the results are maturity, power, and depth. God's our Father. spiritual growth sometimes can't be accomplished simply by God zapping with grace, maturity, authority, wisdom, or love. if He sheltered us from choosing to disobey Him or to do evil to others, or to neglect others, or to hate, or to ignore Him, or to sin, we would be spiritually sheltered. we wouldn't be loved. again, sometimes, you have to struggle to remember to rely on God and His love. sometimes, the only way He can remind you of how much He loves is to let you suffer and rely on Him. if we are never allowed to discover pain if we so choose (since, like we established, we are the source of sin, not God), we aren't really loved, because God isn't doing what's best for us, He's doing what's easiest. and just like the parent who gives their child as much relief as possible while allowing their him to grow, God gives us unfailing love, and His Spirit, and whatever else we need in order to get through whatever we are facing at the time.

finally, love has to be a choice. you can't be forced to love somebody. why is it almost always bad when we see arranged marriages in movies? because the arrangement is attempting to force two people to love each other. they aren't willfully choosing to love each other. if God just made us love Him, and never allowed us to reject Him, He could never love us, and since His aura is love, He can't do that. it is a limitation He has placed upon His very nature that He must love us, and therefore, must give us freedom of choice. but, if we choose to ignore Him, if we choose to ignore the source of love, if we are allowed to choose our own fates, we are allowed to hate, to spite, to ignore, and to kill. so, if God really wants to love us and let us love Him (and each other) He must also allow for us to reject Him and His love and reject (and hurt) each other. that's why there's evil. He has to let us suffer if we so choose, and, whether we realize it or not, we make ourselves and all those around us suffer, most of the time without even thinking about it.

but, whatever suffering comes along, whatever pain you face, whatever challenge is placed in front of you, whatever chaos you cause yourself, know that YOU ARE LOVED!

if the infinite aura of the universe loves you, then you are of infinite worth. you are a treasure worth the universe over! you were worth God's life. there is no way to fathom just how much you are actually worth.

"no power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." -romans 8:39

" do this because you are a people set apart as holy to God, your God. God, your God, chose you out of all the people on earth for himself as a cherished, personal treasure" -deuteronomy 7:6

you are God's treasure! the apple of His eye! people that He has given His love, His life, His self for! there's a song by flyleaf that speaks a lot about this:

love y'all and i'm praying for you! He is with you! you are loved, and you are worth more than you'll ever know!

God bless!

Friday, October 15, 2010

What Happens When I Start Talking on Facebook

Hey everyone! i hope you're all doing great! if your doing anything less than that, don't cause He loves you so much! i know it's been a while, i've been itching to get back in the swing of things. so much so, that, while on facebook, i started a very interesting conversation on some theological junk with a friend.

predestination or free choice, calvinism or armenianism (if you don't know, they mean the same thing). does God make everything happen, or do we make our own destinies? i don't know where you stand on the subject, but i was talking with my friend over the course of a week or so, and this is what i had to say on the topic. hope it helps answer some of your questions if you have any! if not, please ignore this post, as i'll hopefully be talking more about how much He's been doing in my life and less about little opinions i have. God bless y'all and i hope you enjoy!

friend 1: "Do you realize that what you are arguing for in Predestination is that God has strictly FORBIDDEN certain people from coming into his Kingdom? In John 3:16, John writes that 'God so loved the WORLD that He gave his one and only son, that WHOEVER believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.' "

friend 2: I'm sorry if you believe that. Talk to me and I can correct thine ignorance ;)

friend 3:
I have been studying Calvinism in depth for the past four to five years, know most of what there is to know about it, tried to become a Calvinist, and posed this question to every Calvinist I've met. This, in less bloated terms, is what the doctrine believes. No one has ever answered the question, and no other Calvinist has ever told me that I am misrepresenting their views.

well, if God is outside of time, space, and matter, He doesn't just set the world in motion and then decide who's gonna end up with Him and who isn't. God is. all the time, everywhere, etc. therefore, when God makes you, yes, He knows everything about you, and what you'll do with the life He gives you etc, but He also limits His power because He gives you the free will to choose the destiny He knows you will choose. so, it is a paradox. calvinism is very true in that God knows all things, including who will choose Him and who won't, who He has made and how they will turn out is known to Him and He still makes them. BUT it's also true that He gives them the free will to choose this fate, and won't push them in a certain direction that would interfere with this freedom of choice in a way that would inhibit the free will to choose Him (or not choose Him). so, free will is also utterly real. but ultimately, neither one matters all that much because the ultimate purpose of God is love. therefore, the point isn't whether you are predestined or whether you're given free will (you're given both). the point is that God gives you the full benefits of His love, loves you relentlessly, calls you in whatever way He knows is best, and you are given the chance to accept His love or not.

friend 3:
I agree with Daniel completely!
That God knows, but God does not decide, who will chose him.
That is not, however, what Calvin believed.
Calvin held that He knows AND chose.

well, He kinda does both. God's all about paradox. like how He's all mercy and all justice at the same time, or how He's all grace and all truth at the same time. humans can't do both, so we go off and do one without the other or we try to "balance them both". God has no balance, he infinitely both. so yes, if He willfully creates a creature that He knows won't choose Him in the place and time He puts it in, and still creates it, He very much condemns or saves that creature, however, it is completely that creatures choice to accept His love or not, God completely limits His power and gives us free choice. so calvin was very much right (calvin also lived in a time when people were starting to talk about how man chose everything, and were attempting to continue things like purgatory etc where people were all in control - going off on the side of free will with no acceptance of God's predestined will - so calvin, who was also human, but was saved and knew his Bible, went off on predestination).

friend 2:
Yay! Someone else who believes that we can't understand everything about how God works!!! :D

friend 3:
way to be a diplomat daniel.
(he's still holding an armenian view (with God limiting his power to allow choice) not sure what that's about! hahaha =)

friend 2:
JUST SO YOU KNOW, an "armenian" is from Armenia... an Arminian is a person who disagrees with Calvin. :P
Oh, what that's about is just punching a hole in the belief that you have to be 100% in either camp. :) There is plenty of midd...le ground, ya know. Most Baptists are actually 4 point Calvinists.

friend 3:
I knew that! I'm not an arminian...I'm an Armenian disquised as an Arminian....if that makes sense...'re officially in one camp once you decide on the key issue, A. God predestines ppl to chose him. B. He doesn't. But to the Armenian camp...forget about Arminians and Calvinists...we've got swords and cool accents! And marshmallows....

friend 2:
Hahaha! Perfect sense. :)
Oh yes, I am definately in one camp... but not everyone is. :)
Hahaha! Yes, I am most definately an Armenian first, Calvinist second ;)

no guys! i must not be explaining this well... God is EXTREME! He utterly predestines someone. He decides where they are going, but He also gives them complete choice. it's the only way He can be in complete control all the time but still us love Him and vice versa. this is not being diplomatic, or choosing a shade of gray, or saying that there is more than one truth. the utter truth of the matter is that God is an infinite being of immeasurable intensity, purpose, and freedom. if He didn't do both COMPLETELY and UTTERLY, He wouldn't be God. just like those who go on about God's judgment is coming, and how He will destroy evil completely and utterly and will leave no trace of evil or evil people behind, but leave out that He has given grace and mercy that is everlasting and all consuming and all healing are utterly wrong, so someone who says that God is only completely predestined or only completely chosen are wrong. neither is right individually, because God isn't just one extreme. He is both, the Greatest of Paradoxes. if we say He is one and not the other, or a little of both, or say that He might be one or the other, we lie and make Him out to be less than God...

friend 3:
I stand corrected...apparently some people can believe both views In their entirety at the same time....though now I'm more confused than ever...

that's the point. you're human. you can't do both at the same time. He's God, He by nature has to do both completely and utterly all the time (and even outside of time). think about it; we can understand God, but can't comprehend Him. ...we can understand that there are numbers that go on for infinity, or that the sun is the size of over 1 billion earths put together, but can we really comprehend the extent of an infinite number or the size of something so overwhelmingly greater than anything we've experienced? in the same way, if something about God's nature isn't understandable, or is straight up contradictory, then you know it's false because God is so much smarter than we are, His logic should make sense, and He's never-changing, so He never contradicts Himself. but, if it is something that mankind can completely explain and rap its mind around, then you also know it can't be God because His mind must be bigger than our own, else, He isn't greater than we are and needn't be worshiped, or be God for that matter. He must make sense and know everything and make everything as it's meant to be (therefore dooming or saving His creation since He knows the end result of putting His creation in its particular body with its particular traits in its particular time) and therefore predestines His creation to Heaven (a relationship with Him) or Hell (the absence of that relationship). He also, however, must limit His power over the individuals soul and mind in order to give it free will to love or hate Him, since love must be chosen (or refused). He therefore creates His creatures destiny, but they are entirely in control of what they do - they make the destiny He places before them. it is completely theirs to decide, He simply allows them to choose it. so, you see, both are utterly true, understandable, and very much incomprehensible since no human mind could ever do both these things at the same time. and since the paradox of God's gift of free will and His all-controlling nature are understandable, but incomprehensible, it gives more evidence towards the fact that it's a God thing that only a perfect, all powerful, all loving God could do.

friend 3:
Daniel, You are inferring the utterly impossible and illogical is what God did, which allows you to make two irreconcilable interpretations of the Bible true at the same time even tho they class on at least a thousand points ... and hence I... am unable to argue the point, as any attacks on your argument cannot be logical or Biblical.
I could return with the same exact argument, "our minds are finite, and you know those verses that seem to be about predestination?, the impossible is possible with God...and our minds don't understand it, but those verses are really about LAMAS and RANCH DRESSING! But God's mind is above our minds...and can make anything possible and beyond our mortal comprehension! " My view there is just as logical as yours then, and uses the same fallacious defense.
What is this view called anyway? Cause it sure ain't Calvinism or Arminienism. Maybe you could name it after that song, "You've got the beeeeeest of both worlds!"
:) Thanks for sharing! :)

friend 2:
Hahahahaha! Daniel, I love you! :D You say everything i want to so much better. :) Don't give up!

Ooh, don't insult his views with such absurd examples! Seriously, what he says makes perfect sense. The ultimate trend of the Bible fa...vors predestination; in other words, the number of verses (if interpreted literally) far outweigh the others. However, the other verses ARE there. No part of the Bible is false, so conclusion: they must both be true. :) Its like I said: Somehow it is 100% man's choice and 100% God's. Just because you're confused does not make it a fallacy. :)

my point was not that we can't understand that something that's contradictory isn't true. 2+2=5 is not and will never be true. it's that 3/9=0.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333... and we can't comprehend how far that number goes, even if we understand that the number goes on for infinity (hence the ...).
tell me, can you forgive someone and judge their sin at the same time? when someone treats you horrible, beats you up, spits in your face or worse, can you, at the same time, condemn what they do and forgive them? if you are honest with God and with yourself, you will say NO! you can choose to forgive the person who wrongs you completely (and not hurt them at all since they are completely forgiven), or choose to judge their actions (and do justice to them and punish them for their actions since they were evil and deserve punishment). even if you choose to do one first and then the other (for example, if a parent punishes their child for doing something wrong but then forgives the kid) you cannot do both at the same time. you cannot, according to what you're saying, accomplish this feat, since the human being cannot do both at the same time. since, even though we can understand both forgiveness and punishment, we can't do them both at the same time, they must always and ever contradict each other. however, since you can't do it, since your mind, body, and spirit can't accomplish a paradoxical feat, you are also implying that God can't. God did in fact forgive us of our sins and conquer and judge the sinfulness of the world at the exact same time on a hill called golgatha a couple thousand years ago. sorry to bust your bubble, God judged your actions and made you liable to go to hell on that cross when He did something about the sin of the world and subjected Himself to the full deprivation, pain, suffering, and temptation of the human experience while still staying clean. like the Bible says, we are without excuse. but, on that cross, He also took all of the judgement planned for you, and made complete and utter forgiveness of sins a reality. think about it, God judged you to hell and freed your soul to heaven at the same time. see the difference between a contradiction and a paradox yet? if what you said in your last little snippet is true, God can't do both, so He is either way too good for us and we're all going to hell and completely deserve to be there, or we're all going to heaven to be with Him whether we like Him or not (no free choice). i'm assuming that you get that this line of thinking is wrong. God is a god of paradoxes. we can understand them, but we can't comprehend the extent or the way He does both at the same time. i can understand that He's right to judge me to death, and i can understand that i always have been and will always be completely forgiven, but it is impossible for me to wrap my mind around that fact.
that both are, were, and always will be true.
now, what does that mean for our little talk? it means that just because we can't comprehend something, doesn't mean we can't understand it. secondly, to clarify, i'm not calvinist or amenian really. i'm simply making the point that there is utter predestination in the universe, but also utter free will.
to go back to your comment, you never really seem to get that there's a difference between not being able to wrap your mind around something and not being able to understand it. to go back to my example with math, 2+2 will never equal 5. but 3/9 will always equal 0.33333333333333333 (repeating). can you wrap your mind around an infinite number? i'm not saying, can you write out the equation and get the answer. can you really wrap your mind around the fact that that number has no end? never...
in your last comment, you simply said that i was trying to merge to views that were irreconcilable, and hence, i was illogical and there was no way to reply. in your analogy, you said that because God was greater than human minds, 2+2=5, your just not God so you don't get it. no where did i say anything of the sort. in fact, that was my whole point of explaining how we can't wrap our minds around the infinite. if the Bible said Jesus had shown up like the Jews thought he would (a military hero who would come down wreathed in flame and destroying the gentiles) it would have seemed like something man made up, not God. who would believe, before examining the evidence, that it made more sense for God, almighty, the infinite master of time, space, matter, and spiritual existence, would come onto a little spec of dust called earth to help a couple of insignificant microscopic specs called humans understand that God loved them? who would think that God would become a man before seeing how it worked out? that is impossible for us to wrap our minds around! i'm sorry, but the fact that He did that is mind-blowing! i can understand it's true, and i can understand that i'm forgiven of my sins because of it, but can i ever fully grasp it? no! and since i can't ever really grasp the depth of that sort of sacrifice, that i would never have come up with that sort of solution to the problem were i in that same position, i must conclude it comes from something higher than me (i.e. God).
in the same way, if i can understand that God is outside of time and makes us anyway, knowing what and who we are and what and who we will end up being, and that He is in complete control, and also understand that He limits His power over my soul and gives me the gift of free choice to ultimately choose the path He has put me on, but cannot in a million years wrap my mind around how He could do it (even though i can understand it) i must conclude that it is from God, not me.
the ultimate problem if predestination is all there is is much the same problem that one encounters if all the cross did was judge our sin. if God simply sets our paths, but never really gives us the choice to choose them or not, than He never loves us, and the aura of God is love, so we know this cannot be the case. if He only judges our sin, but never saves us, than He can never have a relationship with us (and can never love us, which He must do-see above point on the love nature of God), and we are all on our own and doomed.
however, if there is only free choice, if we all decide our own fate, and are untouchable, than God has no power, no control, and therefore is not God (since God must retain His power in order to forgive us, help us, etc.) if He has no power over our lives, than He cannot save us from evil, since that might at times limit our free will to choose Him or not. even though it appears that free choice without God's influence will get us where we need to be, it ultimately, on its own, isolates us from the Father since He will not interfere with our choice. the ultimate form of reality, if free choice is all there is, is deism, since God will not interfere in the lives of His creation, and since, we all like sheep have gone astray (isaiah), if we're on our own, to put it bluntly, we're all screwed. just like if all God did was forgive us on the cross, but never judge our sin, we would all go to heaven, no questions asked. at first this seems nice - everyone's going to heaven! but what does that really mean? heaven is where God is. it's the place where we ultimately know and love God and experience the true, infinite bliss of His love. but love requires a choice, and there was no choice in this redemption. so even though we're all saved, none of us are loved enough to choose it. it's flawed and empty salvation.
so, God must, on the cross, judge our sins and forgive us at the same time in order to allow for us to form a love relationship with Him. He must also predestine us and know who we are and even set our paths for us, but He must give us the full freedom to choose those paths.

soooooo.... if you've made it this far, i gotta say you're a trooper. like i said, this is like, a weeks worth of thought, so it's a bunch. i just wanted to hit the ground running after a long break from the blog, and i figured this was something i had handy that might help somebody. i know predestination and whether it's true or not can be a touchy subject - these are my thoughts and the thoughts of some of my very intellectual friends, not necessarily the truth. i also haven't finished the convo, so my friends on the other side(s) might have more to say. however, all of the stuff about the cross is utterly true! He loves you and He went all the way to prove it! if any of y'all are like me, you've been going through a low point spiritually (which i gotta talk about soon!). hold on to Him and His love. He'll getcha through!

God bless!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


hey everyone! sorry it's been so long! life got the best if me, but now i have a ton of things to talk about!

while in africa, i worked in an orphanage. the first day we arrived, we were greeted by all of the orphans and their caretakers. they sang songs and prayed for us, and then began to show us around the huts they lived in and the new buildings God had provided for them. in africa, it is traditional for people to hold hands as they walk together, and, being some the first white people many of these kids had ever seen, we were swamped with children who wanted to hold our hands, learn our names, and be our friends.

the first child to hold my hand was sila. he was a boy about eight years old who looked like he was five from malnourishment. when he first saw me, all he could do was stare. he approached me slowly, unsure if it was okay to come and walk with me. when i saw him coming, i offered him my hand, and he cautiously but happily took it. from that moment on, sila was my shadow. every second he could, he was holding my hand, sitting in my lap; in some way, he was always trying to get as close as he could to me and stay there for as long as possible.

images of sila still filter into my dreams every once in a while. the bond we formed is one that reflected what we should all have for our Father. the faith and desire to be as close to God as possible for as long a time as possible.

so often, we get caught up in what we feel that we need to do as Christians. the only problem is that there is nothing we ever need to do. God doesn't depend on us for anything. but He does desperately want to know us and for us to know the love He has for us.

"13 and they were bringing children to Him so that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked them.14 but when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, 'permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.15truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.' 16and He took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying His hands on them." -mark 10:13-16

after seeing this sort of love for myself, i can say that there is nothing more beautiful than that kind of reckless, humble, desperate love that can be seen in a child. we should seek after God with humility and recognize His all powerful nature. we should stand in awe of His works and glory. we should attempt to honor Him in all we do with passion and drive towards our goal. but above all else, we must simply reach out and touch Him, desire Him, and try and stay in His presence as long as possible. He is creator, He is Lord, He is Glory, and He is Savior, but He is all this because He is The Lover.

just wanted to encourage y'all and say that He loves you, regardless of anything you have or have not done. He loves you, wherever and whenever you are. all He wants is for you to draw near to Him. so don't be afraid to reach out and touch Him. you are His greatest desire, and the passion of His heart. He loves to hold your hand.

"19we love, because He first loved us." - 1 john 4:19

"8but God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." - romans 5:8

praying for y'all! God bless!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Good Morning Jesus

i just got back from a mission trip to africa. we spent about a week in bong county, liberia. while there, we worked at a rural school, village, and orphanage. 

the trip wasn't my first to liberia. the poverty, hospitality, and gratefulness of the liberian people will always remain fixed in my mind, but this time, it was something i was familiar with. i was reminded of what God taught me on my last trip, but i had more to learn. 

the last time i was in bong county, i was swarmed by kids of all ages. i couldn't take 5 steps in a single direction without having somewhere between 5 and 20 kids swarming around me. this time, i was prepared to lose my personal space, and i kinda loved having a huge crowd of people listen to every word you say, all pushing and shoving just to get a good look at you, to touch you and -- the thought crossed my mind -- in a way, it made sense. i was there, bringing supplies, education, teaching, manual labor to build parts of their new buildings, etc... to them. but in the same instance, i realized that i could never be these people's savior. God doesn't rely on me. one of the things we taught the kids at the school was Acts 17:24 - 25: 

" 24 “He is the God who made the world and everything in it. since he is Lord of heaven and earth, He doesn’t live in man-made temples, 25 and human hands can’t serve his needs—for He has no needs. He himself gives life and breath to everything, and He satisfies every need."

 i was the one who had to rely completely and utterly on God. i was there as nothing more than a reflection of the One who sent me. i was constantly reminded that i could not provide for these people's needs, physical, mental, or spiritual. i was just a tool to be used as my Master saw fit. often, i find that i sometimes tend to think that God needs me to accomplish His will. so often i find myself complaining about how much i think  i'm doing for God: i'm working so hard to be this, i'm trying to be so nice to this person, i'm fighting so hard to control this or that. the truth is that God doesn't need us. He loves us and wants us and wants to make us a part of His plan, but He doesn't rely on us for anything. we rely on Him for everything, and the Good News is that He satisfies us completely. 

if you're like me, you tend to worry a lot about how things are going to turn out. if you say too much to this person, what will they think of you? if you say too little, will you regret it later? this kind of thinking makes it seem like you're in control of how things end. the truth is, there is nothing you can say or not say that will help others in their relationship with Christ that He cannot say Himself. and there is no amount of works that will improve your personal walk with Him either that He couldn't just give you. He gives us the privilege to be a part of His ministry to others, and to seek Him out in our daily lives. the only thing that we can ever do is surrender to Him and seek Him out. He offers us a chance to be a part of  His experience, and we can either be bitter at our lack of control, or be swept away in the current of His grace. 

"give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall." -psalm 55:22

"then Jesus said, 'come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." 
-matthew 11:28

"can all your worries add a single moment to your life?" -matthew 6:27

one of the many songs we heard the children sing went something like this: 

"good morning Jesus, good morning Lord,
  i know you came from heaven, above. 
  the Holy Spirit is in control. 
  good morning Jesus, good morning Lord. 
  in the morning -- early in the morning, 
  in the morning, i will rise and praise the Lord." 

it was amazing to hear children sing a song to me that summed up what i had been learning the entire week. within that simple song is a simple message that rocks me to the core: God loves us, He's in control, and we have the amazing gift to know and love Him back. praying for you guys! God bless!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bigger and Better

lately, i've struggled to keep my eyes fixed upon Jesus. i've noticed myself falling into trends of selfishness and self-centerdness. there haven't been any real defining moments where this has become obvious to me or to others, it's not like i've really changed at all on the surface, or much at all for that matter. it's just that i catch myself not thinking about the Lord with the same passion that i once did, or talking to people with no care of how He's working in their life, or failing to pray for people who i know need it... little things that no one notices... are becoming obvious to me. and it's not like there's no reason to be a little distracted. i have 3 ap tests within the next week or so, school has been heating up, the play has been going on, spring practice is about to start, etc., etc.... but i can't escape the fact that i have, in a sense, lost my way as of late.

the great thing about this revelation is that i can do nothing. i say that not to mean that i am helpless and feel the need to give up the fight for Christ - quite the opposite. i have begun to realize that all that is in my power is to let God be the center of my life. no amount of religious activity is going to change the fact that i'm exhausted or busy out of my mind or going through a "low". on the contrary, trying to work to feel better will probably just exhaust me more. in the words of tim keller:

"the best way to avoid Jesus is to avoid sin... the devil, if anything, prefers pharisees - men and women who try to save themselves. they are more unhappy than either mature Christians or irreligious people, and they do a lot more spiritual damage."

Jesus denounced the religious, clean, rich, "good" people of His day:

"...'now then, you pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. you are follish people! did not the One who made the outside make the inside also?' " - luke 11:39-41

"woe to you, because you are like unmarked graves, which men walk over without knowing it." luke 11: 44

He isn't talking to prostitutes, gangsters, killers, or murderers. he is talking to people who were middle to upper class, presentable, clean, well-mannered, and popular. in ancient israel, "woe to you" meant literally that you were going to Hell - eternal separation from God, in a culture that understood what that separation was like. we have no equivalent for that kind of expression. the closest thing we have is a curse we use today starting with the letter d. but that doesn't even come close to the amount of crude, uncouth, serious language Jesus is using. Jesus isn't just cussing them out, He's condemning them in a way our modern culture is completely unfamiliar with. and why? they've broken no rules, they've given plenty of money to the church, they've prayed their prayers on a daily basis, they have done everything right. so why?

they were doing.

my dad made a comment a couple of weeks ago that i will never forget. "people, institutions, and even religions will tell you do this, do this, do this for salvation... on the cross He said it is done, it is done, it is done!"

Christianity is the only faith in this world that says that God came down, humbled Himself, and did all the work that we can't do for us. budhism says that you have to keep doing good works and giving up your possessions till you have reached spiritual ascension. hinduism, much in the same way, says that you must please the gods through following their rules until you can become like them. islam claims that, if your good deeds outway your bad ones, you are given a chance to get to heaven. all other religions essentially give out how-to guides to reach spiritual heights. Christianity says to let Him in so He can love you... that's why i find it so liberating tonight as i type these words that i can do nothing. He can do it all - and sooooo much more!

and that's why we say He is worthy. because, in the end of ends, He is all that matters. the reason we exist is to love Him. that's it.... and why not? He is so utterly beautiful; just look at the mountains or the sea or even the trees in your backyard. the ugliest of them is so utterly precise and complex that the dna in each cell of the tree is almost 6 feet tall. that means that He puts 6 feet worth of information into each and every one of the trillions of cells in a single tree. all of His creation is just a reflection of His beauty. He is sooo much more beautiful than any of it! why not worship someone so amazing?

and He is soooo incredible. the same being who is that intelligent, complex, powerful, enormous, and infinite, the same being who - if you don't believe in evolution - set the world up - if you believe in evolution - planned the Big Bang in such a way as to create all of the perfect physical laws of nature so that one tiny spec of dust in the universe could develop a ridiculously complex system of life on that spec of dust and mold this life like a potter molds clay - into a perfect vessel to reflect His glory, and then, when that glory was lost, came to that little spec of dust in the universe, took the form of a helpless babe of the tiny life on the tiny spec of dust, lived 32 years on the tiny spec of dust, suffered humiliation, rejection, pain, cursing, and separation from His very self... all so that the little microscopic life on the spec of dust could know who He was, and live fulfilled... that is deserving of glory. that is deserving of my attention, time, and life.

just a quick word of encouragement to everyone struggling to see beyond your situation - look at Him. He is bigger and better than you can imagine. and He loves you more than you'll ever know!

a quick song about Him:

"6 Christ Jesus, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, 7 but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 and being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death–even death on a cross! 9 therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD, to the glory of God the Father." - Phil 2:6-11

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Miserable and the Hopeful

this year, my school is putting on the play "les miserables" (it mean "the miserable" in french). the play is based on a book written by a victor hugo. it's one of my favorites because of the amazing power the story holds.

the work tells the story of a man named jean valjean, a man imprisoned for almost 20 year simply for stealing a loaf of bread. in jail, valjean becomes more of an animal than a man to survive. when he's finally released, he's given a yellow ticket, putting him on life parole and limiting his existence to almost certain poverty. valjean happens upon a bishop's home, and asks for food. the bishop, instead of turning him away like every other family in the town has, lets him in. he allows the convict to eat with him, and to sleep in a bed of his own. valjean, seeing a chance for a quick fix of money he'll never have again, steals all of the silver utensils he can in the night. when he's stopped by the local officers, they become suspicious, and take him back to the bishop's house for questioning. instead of putting him back in jail, the bishop tells the men that the silver was a gift. he then offers valjean more of the silver in his house than he took in the first place. when the stunned valjean asks why, the bishop replies "with this silver, i have bought your soul. i've ransomed you from fear and hatred. and now i give you back to God."

a movie was made of the story. here's the whole clip pf the scene:

the implications of this scene are limitless, but i want to focus on one point: the bishop knew the value of a soul. as humans, we often judge others based on a physical or shallow basis. we assume that people are "good" or "bad" based on their looks, whether we like their personalities or not, whether they are nice to us or not, or by what our friends tell us about them. however, do these things really tell us all that much about a person?
consider this: if you judged yourself based only on the criteria above, would it still be so easy to justify your actions?
your looks, for the most part, are little of your own doing. you can work out, or eat right, etc., but in the end, your genetics will almost always determine at least half if not more of whether or not you are one way or another physically. so you really can't credit your looks too much to yourself. why judge the value of a person on something they have only so much power to change?
if we judge based on our personalities, what are we judging by? to a person who is naturally calm and reserved, someone who is as hyper as i am will normally seem obnoxious, because they associate a quiet atmosphere with peace, patience, kindness, and goodness, and see someone with my energy as chaotic and destructive. to someone like me, a naturally quiet person normally seems afraid and hurt, because i naturally tend to associate quiet with emptiness, loneliness, and hopelessness. but both of these personality types are actually aiming towards the same goal: love. why would i judge someone because God made them to enjoy His presence in a different way from me? i should instead realize that the fact that He isn't limited to my personality type, but is the God of others different from me, is liberating because it means that i can share something (His love) with these people that seem so different from me.
finally, if we judge someone based on how they treat us or what others tell us of them, what do we accomplish? what do i really know of that person? do i really claim to know all of their struggles, their past, their family? when we value someone based on how they treat us, we make ourselves out to be worthy enough to give value to someone's life. i cannot determined how valuable a person is based on my own limited knowledge of them. the facts are, if i am not God, no matter what i think i know about someone, i can't judge them and be completely correct or unbiased, so i shouldn't judge them at all.

the bishop understands this. he shows valjean love, regardless of every wrong done to him. he sees value in his life because he knows that God sees value in his life, and for this reason, he gives valjean the secret to his hope...

hope is an often used, but rarely thought of word. we often associate hope with our expectations or desires for the future. but is that all hope is?

not at all. hope is, at its core, what you put your faith in. what you pursue, worship, and desire is your hope. this is enormous, because every human being puts their hope in something. all people are inherently empty. in the words of a friend:

"People, I have discovered, are born with a crack. This crack is large and in fact is the heart. People have a tendency to want to fill this crack with things they believe to be comforting. Because of this condition, we have a desire to love and to be loved. Any way we can try to fill this, we do."

just think about it: what do you attempt to fill your heart with? is it people's approval, your own talents, addictions... the list could go on forever. whatever that thing is, it is your hope. is it filling the gap, or does it still leave you wanting more? listen to another quote from the same friend:

"knowing that we are broken people, we want to pretend we are whole. this crack in our heart for Love, we fill with things that don't fit and then put on a front so we are not vulnerable to others. no matter what we attempt to fill this crack with, it doesn't fit and only brings momentary happiness but hurts even more in the long run. we inevitably have to find something else to put in its place. this is a crack in the shape of God, and thus God is the only "slipper that fits." We are the Cinderella for God."

there's also a song by mandisa talking about this called "voice of a savior" (watch it at:

God made you with an amazing purpose in mind. He made you to love and be loved by Him.

"but now you have arrived at your destination: by faith in Christ you are in direct relationship with God. your baptism in Christ was not just washing you up for a fresh start. it also involved dressing you in an adult faith wardrobe—Christ's life, the fulfillment of God's original promise." -galations 3:25-27

God's Word says the whole destination for a fulfilled life is a relationship with God, and that that was God's original promise (and plan) for humanity! that's the whole point of it all! and that is the ultimate hope for humanity. fulfillment of that seemingly infinite emptiness doesn't come from any political ideology, technological advancement, physical finesse, intelligence, popularity, substance or wealth. the only real hope for humanity is Jesus Christ and His love for us. this utterly infinite love is what fulfills us.

when the bishop shows valjean hope in God, he gives him the ability to produce faith through that hope, and faith must follow love. the story goes on, and valjean faces poverty, the death of multiple loved ones, having all that he works for dashed to pieces in a moment, and pursuit from the law for the rest of his life till the day he dies. but, throughout his utterly miserable life, he continues on because he has God as his hope for the future.
this is the power of Christ in a life. not that we will have perfect, pain free lives, but that we will have fulfillment through the storms and Heaven for the future.

so, what does this mean for us? it means that we can't choose who we think is or isn't worthy of God's love. He's showered Himself on all of us, so we should follow Him and do the same.

"but God told samuel, 'looks aren't everything. don't be impressed with his looks and stature. i've already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart." - 1 samuel 16:7

samuel had been a prophet since he was a teenager. he'd talked directly to God, done a multitude of miracles, and seen God's power over and over again in his life. yet even he failed to judge the heart of the men before him. if a prophet of that stature cannot pierce completely through the soul of a person and judge him correctly, how can i? my only option is to share with all God's love for them through my words and actions.

to everyone who's struggling with judging those around you, i encourage you to take Jesus at His word when He says:

" but I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!" - matthew 5:44

to those who feel they're hopeless, remember that He valued you enough to go to the cross. don't waste your life feeling guilty when He went through so much to make you blameless in God's eyes!

finally, to those who feel miserable, make Him your hope. place your faith in Him. hold on to His love for you. He'll be your fulfillment.

" and this hope will not lead to disappointment. for we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love." -romans 5:5

" Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love." - 1 corinthians 13:13

" this is why we work hard and continue to struggle, for our hope is in the living God, who is the Savior of all people and particularly of all believers." - 1 timothy 4:10

hoping and praying for you guys! God bless!

Monday, February 15, 2010

I'll Rejoice Now

Lately, i've had the amazing pleasure of seeing God's power in the lives of people, including myself. He's been pressing on my heart just how much He can do in us. i've been blessed to be a part of a number of events He's allowed me to participate in. i was given the chance to go up to an fca camp and watch as close friends came closer to Him, and i got to watch His children gather together to worship Him in a real and radical way. i was able to host a fusion with my fca huddle group, and i watched Him speak through one of my brothers (who's biggest fear was public speaking) get up on stage and share his testimony with hundreds of students (he didn't even hesitate for a moment as he was on stage. i had friends tell me afterward he was their favorite part of the entire event). i have seen Him increase and more than double the number of all of our ministries on my school campus in just one semester. He's blessed my father's church ministry in ways i can't even describe. i've been blessed to see a "fifth quarter" fca event me and my friends planned succeed in ways we didn't even imagine it would when it shouldn't have even happened. our principal attended and was so impacted by the event that he approached me and asked if we would make it an annual event. i got the chance to serve at an fca banquet and watched as the body of Christ came together to support each other through tithing, prayer, service and encouragement. i was able to go up to young life camp recently and listen as guys poured out their hearts and came closer to the Lord. i was even blessed there to see old friends of mine growing closer to each other and to their Savior. all this to say, He's AMAZING!

but i've also been going through a rough time in my life. so often, i feel alone, or struggle to see His purpose through seeming tragedies that occur. lately especially, i haven't felt very well at all. i've been exhausted by all of life's troubles, and distracted by my own material temptations. all this to say, i haven't been on a "spiritual high" lately. but it's a great thing, i've discovered, because it has stretched me and forced me to determine just how important He is to me. when you don't "feel like doing it" i've discovered, is precisely when it's needed most. when i don't feel like praying, it probably means i desperately need to call out to my Father. when i don't feel like helping that person out, it's probably when they need to see His Spirit in another the most.

when we don't feel like living for Him, it's because we've taken our eyes off of His prize, His love, and His cross. He's always there, all you have to do is ask. He may answer you in a way you never expect; elijah heard Him speak not in a storm, but a whisper; joseph saw His power in visions that he saw without his consent; the jews thought the Messiah would come to destroy the gentile nations, and instead, He came to save them. but He will always answer. and that is the reason for JOY!

joy isn't happiness. "feeling happy" by definition is when a person is experiencing an emotional or euphoric high because something material is going well in their lives. in other words, how happy you are depends completely on your surroundings; if you're just a "happy" person, your mood and actions are completely defined by other people and events. that means that happiness can't last. for example, there is no way to be happy if someone you love passes away. if someone began to laugh when they heard that someone close to them had died, we would consider them demented, deranged, or insane. suffering cannot bring about an emotional high. happiness is like chaff in the wind: there one second, gone the next. if you place your energy into what makes you "happy" you're placing your entire well-being for the rest of your life on how others or your surroundings treat you. that is not how we are meant to live.

what God gives us is so much more! He gives us joy! according to the Bible, joy isn't just "feeling good" for a day or two until something bad happens. it's the ability God's love gives us to see His goodness through all situations. we are only here for a moment. the Bible compares our lifespans to wisps of smoke in the air. the night can only last for a moment before His light shines through. eternity is ours through His sacrifice on the cross! so what can keep us down?

"Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory" -romans 5:2

there's a song called "flowers for molly" by jason harwell (i'd post a link to the song, but there isn't one. look him up on itunes though, he's AMAZING!). the song talks about a lot of thoughts that were going on through his life at the time he wrote it. one meaning behind the song is one of thanks for his daughter (molly). the second is that he depicts a reflection of the Lord's love for His children. the third, and the most gripping for me personally, is that He speaks about how he'll rejoice in the Lord regardless of the situation. during a part of the song, he repeats the words

"i'll rejoice now, i'll rejoice now, i'll rejoice now!"

as Christians, that's what we should live like! we aren't meant to live downtrodden, depressed, or stressed! we're meant to live! to rejoice for and through any gift, friendship, or happiness, and also, through and for every hardship, rejection, and sorrow. as children of God we have the freedom to say "i'll rejoice now". that's God's free gift to you; nothing can steal it away.

so when you feel beat down, depressed, or worn out, call out to Him. when the apostles were beaten down by the pharisees, the Bible says they rejoiced because they were worthy enough to be tortured for the Name. if His joy has the power to keep men rejoicing after they've been beaten and threatened with death, nothing can kill it. He's always going to see you through the storm.

"Our hearts ache, but we always have joy. We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others. We own nothing, and yet we have everything." - 2 corinthians 6:10

" But I will rejoice even if I lose my life, pouring it out like a liquid offering to God, just like your faithful service is an offering to God. And I want all of you to share that joy. " - phillipians 2:17

"But may all who search for You be filled with joy and gladness in you. May those who love your salvation repeatedly shout, “God is great!” - psalm 70:4

" You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done. " - pslam 92:4

He loves you so much! there is nothing that can compare to it, nothing that can conquer it, and nothing that can change it! so rejoice now!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Forgiven and Free

so lately, i've noticed that people (especially me) get completely wrapped up in things we feel we have to do. in our day and age, there are so many obligations. we have to do this many chores, and this much homework, and go to this many practices a week... the list is endless. not only do we have an limitless amount of work to do, but our lives, we feel, are controlled by the expectations others put on us. we have to act this way to be cool, we have to look this way to be accepted, we have to think this or we're going to be wrong....

we also have this ridiculous idea that we have to do some kind of work for God to accept us. we have to help out this person because they're our friend, we have to donate this amount of money to be a good person, we have to go to church or we're not a Christian, we have to, we have to, we have to....

what i've found out (the hard way) is that no amount of "friendship" based on rules or expectations ever fills. the Bible talks a lot about the law and what it's useful for.

"19 Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given, for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses, and to show that the entire world is guilty before God. 20 For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are." - romans 3:19-20

that's the full extent of the usefulness of rules. they are there to show us how much we're screwing up. if we were doing everything as we were supposed to, we would need no laws to measure up to. so, if a friendship is based on what you do, or following a certain set of codes, then all your acquaintance is based upon is something that can only show you how horrible you are. you can't be built up by that kind of relationship. it's hollow; it has no power in it; it has no love.

the worst part of this misconception is that we try to apply it to God. we seem to feel that we have to do all of these things to please Him, or He won't forgive us. i so often find myself simply going through the motions. as humans we so often think that if we go to church enough, or only listen to a certain kind of music, or say the right things, or hang around the right crowd, that God is going to think something more of us. but God is so much better than that!

"But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." - romans 5:8

God loved us, the human race, even when we turned from Him, even when we spurned His love, even when we crucified His son on a cross, and even now. God, the creator of the universe, the holy, unstoppable, perfect, all powerful, untouchable being who has complete and utter control over our finite existence... loves us. not only that, but He forgives us! we are free!

"So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free."- john 8:36

and God has set us all free! if you want it, it's yours completely! you are free to live without rules, without boundaries, without necessities. you are free to love and be loved by the one who made it all! and if you are in love with Him, you can't help but keep the law, because His love is more than our small spirits can hold. it has to pour out on others! and if we are loving God and loving others, then, according to Jesus:

" 37 Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’[e] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[f] 40 The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”" - matthew 22:37-40

you are obeying the law completely! you don't have to do anything! that's the glory of it all! He's done it all for us! we are forgiven, and free from condemnation!

to everyone who's struggling because you feel inadequate, or because others have condemned you, He loves you. nothing you can or can't do will change that. He has always loved you and He always will. rest in His arms.

to everyone who feels like you have to continue following rules or acting a certain way, He didn't make us to live that way. you're made to be more than that. He loves you. nothing you do can make you more or less forgiven. be free in His Holy Spirit.

here are some songs i love that talk about living free:

the first is "going through the motions" by matthew west

the second is "amazing love" by candi pearson

Whenever, though, they turn to face God as Moses did, God removes the veil and there they are—face-to-face! They suddenly recognize that God is a living, personal presence, not a piece of chiseled stone. And when God is personally present, a living Spirit, that old, constricting legislation is recognized as obsolete. We're free of it! All of us! Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him."- 2 corinthians 3:16

"Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you."- galations 5:1

""Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."- (Jesus) matthew 11:28

He loves you no matter what you're going through! God bless!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

They Will Know That We Are Christians

a long time ago, in the mid 1960's, a priest wrote a song called "They'll Know That We Are Christians". there's a good chance you've heard the song at church or camp or on the radio. it goes something like this:

"We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love

We will work with each other, we will work side by side
We will work with each other, we will work side by side
And we'll guard each one's dignity and save each one's pride
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love
By our love, by our love
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love

We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand
We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand
And together we'll spread the news that God is in our land
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love
By our love, by our love
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love

They will know we are Christians by our love

Love is patient, love is kind
Never boasts, not full of pride
Always hopes, always trusts
The evidence of Christ in us" - peter scholtes

you can listen to the song at:

this song has been on my heart a lot lately because it speaks about the power of

one thing i have noticed (especially in my own life) is that Christians, especially those in middle and high school, struggle with feelings of isolation. i have felt like the only Christian around so many times. i remember a period in my life when i literally came home broken on a daily basis because i felt so isolated from friends (especially Christian brothers and sisters). i could be surrounded by my entire student body, and still feel completely alone. not only that, but, during this particular time, i felt so
unloved by the majority of those around me because no one really made an effort to know me. i spent almost a year's worth of weekends alone (for someone like me, it was like being smothered). with the exception of two godly people from school, i was the only Christian i knew my age. i kept asking the Lord for help, calling on His name for friendship, for fellow Christians who knew His love. and, as always, He followed through. the Lord provided me with friends. but, not from where i expected. He gave me friendship not with those from school, but, it seemed, everywhere else. within a matter of months, i had plenty of friends, but the vast majority of them were from other schools, counties, and churches from all over the athens area. i can't express the amount of praise He deserves for the gift of companionship that He gives to us. but, after a while, i began to ask Him "why are they all so different, and why are they all so spread out?" a couple of months ago, i received my answer. i was listening to a sermon, and the pastor was speaking on life visions. i was reminded of a calling i had felt when i lived in atlanta. i had felt like the Lord had been telling me how the Church in different nations, states, and cities, is utterly connected. if we strengthen one of our brothers or sisters, we help him encourage and strengthen all of those he knows, and the wave keeps spreading until the Church, from America to Asia, has been blessed in some way, shape or form. it matters not how much, for even the littlest acts of brotherhood can make the difference in a person's life, and big actions are only a visible result of all of the small ones. i felt like i was being told about this same theme again. only this time, the Lord reminded me of how i felt when i had been alone. i realize now that's why He allowed for all of that time in isolation to happen; in it, He taught me the power of His love and faithfulness, but also, how, as Christians, we cannot allow our brothers and sisters to stand alone. we must have unity.

the Christian life was not meant to be lived out alone. before the crucifixion, Jesus told His disciples,

"34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”
- john 13:34-35

Jesus tells His disciples that our love for one another will prove that we are truly His. what would it look like if every Christian in the world had dozens of godly people they could turn to? the girl who's family is going through a divorce would never have to cry alone; the boy who's struggling with addiction could find friends who'd support him through his pain; the list goes on and on. what this goes back to is the idea that, in the end of ends, most people will not draw to or turn away from God because of logical thought, brilliant theology, pretty songs, or catchy bumper stickers. the majority of the people in the world will determine whether or not they want Christ's love by how well of an example we set. in the end, our actions will speak out either for the falsehood of religion, or the passion and truth of His power in a life. and one of the greatest ways in which our example will shine His glory is through our treatment of each other.

if all Christians truly have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside each of us, we have a connection that is greater than any hobby, pastime, job, or culture that normally bring people together. we should all be utterly connected to each other not just in mind or body, but in His Spirit. it should be a passion that goes beyond our backgrounds, worldly pleasures, or cares. that's why we call each other "brothers" and "sisters" in Christ. and that's exactly what it should be. a bond that goes beyond any other. i have heard it said by others when asked to spend time with a brother or a sister "it's not like we could be best friends or something. we have nothing in common." but the beautiful truth of the matter is that, if we are brothers and sisters in Christ, we have everything in common because, God is everything!

one of the coolest things i have found about going on mission trips outside of the country is that you get to find other brothers and sisters, in completely different cultures, with completely different economic, educational, and social backgrounds who share the same God as you. no matter how different we were, i found that if i could speak to them of nothing else, i could always speak to them about the Lord. and we always had the same things to say: "He's been faithful, He's so good, His love is so powerful". and the craziest part was that i felt in so many ways closer to these people, who were, in all ways but One completely unrelated to me, than to almost all of the people i meet on a normal basis who are like me in every way but that One. their spirits were mingled with the same love that mine was, and that broke down any lesser barrier.

one of the names the Hebrews called the Lord by was "Jehovah-Nissi" which means, the "Lord our banner". and that's what He is to His people. He is a banner that we all can rally under. if you have Christians around you that you don't know well, reach out to them regardless of who they are to the world. it is who they are to Christ that matters. don't worry about feeling weird or not knowing what to say, just pray for words to come and God will be faithful. you never know what another person is going through unless they tell you, and you never know what relationships God will choose to grow. if you're going through a time of isolation, remember how much He loves you. He'll bring you through the storms. God bless and i'm praying for you!

"In that day the heir to David’s throne (Jesus) will be a banner of salvation to all the world. The nations will rally to him, and the land where He lives will be a glorious place." - isaiah 11:10

"5 But those who obey God’s word truly show how completely they love him. That is how we know we are living in him. 6 Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did." - 1 john 2: 5-6

"My dear, dear friends, if God loved us like this, we certainly ought to love each other. No one has seen God, ever. But if we love one another, God dwells deeply within us, and his love becomes complete in us—perfect love!" - 1 john 4:11

"And that's about it, friends. Be cheerful. Keep things in good repair. Keep your spirits up. Think in harmony. Be agreeable. Do all that, and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure. Greet one another with a holy embrace. All the brothers and sisters here say hello. " - 2 corinthians 13:11

Friday, January 15, 2010

To Obey, To Live, To Love, To Worship

worship. how often do we hear this word? i often hear from people, movies, etc. about how movie stars, "popular" kids at school, and famous historical figures are worshiped in our society. but what does it mean? does it just mean that you have a physical or emotional attraction to someone or something? does it mean that you like something a lot?

. we often hear the word used at church. we're sometimes told that our singing in church is worship. but what makes singing songs an act of worship? after all, anyone can sing a song... what's so special about it?

here's what the Bible says about worship:

"1 Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth!
2 Worship the Lord with gladness.
Come before him, singing with joy.
3 Acknowledge that the Lord is God!
He made us, and we are his.
We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the Lord is good.
His unfailing love continues forever,
and his faithfulness continues to each generation." - psalm 100

what the psalmist describes worship as is not just "liking God a lot" and it's not just "singing nice songs". it's utter servitude to Him in an attempt to be utterly in line with His will and His example through Jesus. to worship God is to, essentially, give everything you are to Him in every way. it's surrendering yourself completely to Him, and loving every minute of it. that's one of the most profound points of worship; the chapter says that worship is not singing to Him "because it's church" or "because i have to". it says to worship Him we must do it with joy and gladness. you can't worship God out of a feeling of "Christian duty" or "tradition" or "because the songs sound nice". that's worthless. the only way that a person can have true joy and gladness in their heart when doing something is because they LOVE doing it. and that's just it! worship needs love, and not just any love, but God's love! the Bible says that

"If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but don't have love, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal." - 1 corinthians 13

our worship must come from the heart. we can't attempt to make ourselves do it. worship that doesn't come from love isn't worship.

another huge point that the psalm talks about is that true worship is obedience. the verse says we are HIS the sheep of HIS pasture. sheep are meant to be obedient to their shepherd. and that's what the Word describes God as being, in fact, it goes so far as to describe Him as the good shepherd. so in order to truly worship, we must first obey. samuel spoke about this worship to king saul in the old testament:

"22 But Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the Lord:
your burnt offerings and sacrifices
or your obedience to his voice?
Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice,
and submission is better than offering the fat of rams." - 1 samuel 15:22

God wants us to obey Him and to be His. that means that we don't belong to ourselves any more. the Bible says that when we come into a relationship with the Lord, we become willing slaves to Christ. what samuel is getting at is that God doesn't want tradition, he doesn't even want nice things we normally associate with worship, like singing, or tithing our money. none of our material possessions or physical talents are worth anything to Him. what does matter to Him is our hearts. that's what He wants. He could care less about what we do. what He really cares about is the "why" we are doing it. but, at the same time, we encounter a paradox about His nature. even though what we do doesn't matter to Him as long as our hearts are for Him, wanting to obey Him will result from loving Him, and loving Him will result in loving others. when we love Him, and love others, we will find ourselves being compelled by the Holy Spirit to do things, not because He wants us to do His dirty work. He loves us far too much for that. He will only tell us, truthfully, what He knows will draw us closer to Him and draw others closer to Him. our love inspires obedience, which results in our drawing closer to Him, and our drawing closer to Him, because He is Love, makes us love more. worship is a cycle of relationship between a Holy God and His people who love Him. it can only grow stronger the further it goes.

but that means that it is a cycle, one whose source, God, is limitless. that means that it doesn't just stay in church, or in our hearts. it's a lifestyle!

"2 Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God." -ephesians 5:2

the action of worship, therefore, isn't just what we do at church on sundays, or our prayer, or our good works. it's an entire lifestyle based completely around God. it's an obssession and obedience that covers our deeds, our thoughts, and our hearts.

in our world, we are taught to think for oursleves when we encounter pain. but this is an enormous danger. if you're struggling with persecution, personal sin, or a feeling of emptiness, just worship. when we scream His praises, shine His light, declare to the world how amazing He is, and obey Him, we draw closer to His will and spirit because it is only through the power and love He gives us that we can perform any such action, and we become more attuned to His Spirit, more dependent on His Word, and closer to Him, and therefore, His love. the only thing, after all, that could keep Him from us is ourselves; He cannot draw any closer to us. He's already everywhere and in everything. He's already given us all of Him.

" Here in this great gathering for worship I have discovered this praise-life. And I'll do what I promised right here in front of the God-worshipers. Down-and-outers sit at God's table and eat their fill. Everyone on the hunt for God is here, praising him. "Live it up, from head to toe. Don't ever quit!" -psalm 22:25

" Worship God if you want the best; worship opens doors to all his goodness. " -psalm 34:9

" Going through the motions doesn't please you, a flawless performance is nothing to you. I learned God-worship when my pride was shattered. Heart-shattered lives ready for love don't for a moment escape God's notice. " -psalm 51:16

" I'm ready now to worship, so ready. I thank you, God—you're so good. You got me out of every scrape, and I saw my enemies get it. " -psalm 54:6

God bless you guys and keep worshiping! to Him be the Glory! praying for you!